

Saya ada tengok satu experimen tak tau lah dari yang bertauliah atau tidak. Ianya adalah sharing daripada anak mommy saya aka my side line lah. Eksperimen tu gunakan segelas air dan masukkan Vitamin C Shaklee dan Vitamin C brand W. For comparison lah kononnya.

Vitamin C Shaklee tidak larut selepas 1 minit. Vitamin C W larut.
Vitamin C Shaklee tidak larut selepas 8 jam. Vitamin C W larut habis setelah 8 minit.
Vitamin C Shaklee diketuk (crunched) dan dimasukkan kedalam air, juga tidak larut. Vitamin C W diketuk dan dimasukkan kedalam air, terus larut.

Dan yang sebenarnya, nk buat experimen larut tak larut ni kena guna VINEGAR bukan guna air. Dan sesungguhnya Vitamin C Shaklee tak larut sebab sifatnya SUSTAINED RELEASE takkan larut dgn experimen macam ni saja. Saya quote artikel dari LiveStrong.com
Vinegars that are not labeled as containing 5 percent acetic acid are not recommended for this experiment. The pH of stomach acid is 3. Some vinegars have a pH of 4 or 5. Acetic acid vinegar has a pH of 2.4.
"Time released", "sustained released" and "enteric coated" vitamins will not break down using this test.These products are designed to break down in the intestinal tract.

Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/article/114034-test-vitamins-vinegar/#ixzz225Dqm500

Dan saya quote balik kata-kata dia " See it yourself. Know more about the product and company before you consume it."

U should KNOW it first :D

Hubungi saya, Telefon : 013-398 4050 Email : nadhira.haqim@gmail.com


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